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Mariea Sweeting Spiritualist Clairvoyant


Welcome to connecting with me about my Spiritual Clairvoyance. I have been a Medium for 30 plus years, being passionate about the connection I have with spirit, to bring you that comfort or help you may need 

Moon Gazing


My life is about living it to the full and I want to bring you closer to your spiritual family via a reading or chatting to your about your grief, so that I can help you with spiritual councelling. 

Black Sky

What is Mediumship

Mediumship is connecting with your higher self and the energy of those that have left the physical realm and now have gone on their journey in the spiritual realms. I see them like in a movie or as a memory, they show me things about themselves that I couldn't have known. I see names, places and memories for them. I am not a fortune telling and give advise on health. 

Earth View at Night
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