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  • Mariea Sweeting Dip C Hyp BWRT

To heal an Equine...

The horse that healed a broken heart

I remember the day that I first decided to go to seek out the knowledge that would lead me to where I am now.

A friend of mine had suggested I looked at Equine Reiki, for I had done some Healing on her horse after my second attunement to Reiki.

I have always loved horses, since a child, I always wanted one, rode a little in my teens and came home smelling of horse (much to my mums annoyance).

I searched the internet for the "right" person, that came in a lady that would become an inspiration, fountain of knowledge and of course my tutor.

I booked the first course, I was so nervous, but put at ease by my tutor. We got on with the day and I can say I was looking forward to meeting her horses was an unstatement.

I had met them in dream state and had several weeks prior been shown the horse that would be in the field.

As we where allocated our horse to practice on, I was met by this majestic beast of pure white, he looked like a horse angel and in a way he was, he was my earth horse angel.

He was patient with me, as I proceeded to work on him with Reiki, he just was so wonderful, my heart melted. The first time I had felt the ice leaving my frozen barren heart for years.

After being ill for a few years, with bouts of depression, it can take along time for the sensations of life to return.

Some I have buried and do not want to revisit, others are slowing being allowed out of the stable and healed.

All the way home, I cried, in fact I sobbed, like a child. How can anyone hold that much pain in for so long, well the horse had shown me, that it is possible to let it go safely.

A while later, I returned to continue my healing, until I reached the Master Equine Reiki Level. Something I am very proud of, for some, not a major thing, for me it means the world.

Not only to gain a certificate, but to be allowed to heal not only the horse, but put back the pieces of a broken heart.

That was over 4 years ago, to this day, I will never forget the lessons that the horses taught me.

Since then, I have gone on to do Equine and Animal Reiki, loving the use of my dowsing to aid in this. Offering clients the chance for me to relay to them issues that a vet would quanify are correct.

They have given me some laughs too, especially the one that started talking in an accent to me and another that told a secret about a ladies dad!

Never underestimate a horse, they see everything and just like humans, know alot more than you think.

For them, Reiki is a marvellous tool, they relax into it, like we would going to the sauna, there body structure changes, heads drop, bottom jaw relaxes and off course, some lay down to take it all in.

But just like my human Reiki clients, they can be stubborn and refuse too. I just go do another horse. I often out of the corner of my eye, see them moving towards me and then taking on any spare energy that's floating around.

Although I do other therapies too for Rikers such as Rider Confidence Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massages and Reiki. I still love that smell of the stable, the warm breath of the horse as it nuzzles into my shoulder to recieve the energy we share.

For at the end of the day, I benefit too....

To book a session for you or your horse then contact me on Tel: 07873253797 or via facebook at

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