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  • Mariea Sweeting Dip C Hyp BWRT

When the horse talks

The phone rang the other week, a friend of mine and fellow therapist asking me to help.

'Mariea, I have this horse, I don't know what's wrong, can you help'

Now, normally I go to the horse, but as this one was over 200 miles away and it was 7pm at night, I was not in the mood to drive all that way.

So I said 'just a minute while I tune in'.

You see, we can do that, as we are all communicators and its like working over radio waves.

So as my friend was talking to me about other things we have in common, I tuned into the horse, that I had not even seen a picture off (which is how I normally work).

I do what is called Horse Communication, its like mediumship for horses. They are the most amazing beings and so sentient.

The horse, showed me in my minds eye pictures of the situation she was in. As I was seeing this, I was relaying this back to my friend. Who was confirming things to me.

She, the horse, told me how lonely she was, I felt her loneliness. She gave me information about herself and the injury that was bothering her. Which, I didn't know about, but was confirmed that the horse was having physio for.

The whole thing was only 15 mins long, but for my friend it ended weeks of not knowing what to do with the horse.

Sometimes, we forget how energy works. We all resonate energy, even those that don't believe in energy work.

Have you never stood next to someone and thought 'I don't like you' well, your energy not you is not liking their energy, not the person.

So next time you cuddle your horse, remember energy is a two way thing and you could both be getting more out of it than you realise.

Horse freedom
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